Thursday, 29 December 2011
The Darkest Hour Review
I didn't expect much from the darkest hour, I expected it to be one of those run around thrillers like Shark Night where everyone dies, and it went along with my expectations.
The Darkest Hour is about when aliens attack Moscow, Russia. When 4 Americans visiting stumble on each other, they quickly race into survival, doing whatever it takes to get back to America.
I have to admit, The Darkest Hour was nothing special, i am done watching it and i probably won't watch it again. The story isn't that original, it reminded me a lot of The Happenning.
Another thing I have to critique is the characters. These characters had no depth, and no personalities to them. It was just like they were just there. They didn't even react to the situation how we would react.
A good thing about this movie is that it is action packed. There was never one dull moment in the movie and I wasn't board at all. It was a thrill ride, not that great in cinema, but during the movie you had fun. Thats what I think matters. B
Thursday, 22 December 2011
New Years Eve Review
Think of New Years Eve as an info commercial. To draw your attention to the product, a lot of advertising was used. New Line Cinema added 15 major stars, a big name director and a commercial on every T.V show and wham! New Years Eve became a hit.
New Years Eve is sort of like a sequel to the movie "Valentines Day", but with different stars and a different plot. New Years Eve takes place in the busy new york on one of the busiest days of the year. It covers different peoples stories of how they found love on the big night.
I dont understand why I decided to see New Years Eve, maybe out of curiosity of how bad it was going to be, how a movie could be even worse than Valentines Day ( Which I walked out of). But I came out of the theatre pleasantly surprised.
New Years Eve isn't the best Holiday movie, but it beat Valentines day by far. New Years Eve is like a 2 hour T.V show. It is always jumping around to different parts of the big city to cover peoples stories of how they are handling New Years Eve. The jumping around is actually quite annoying but useful, it helps you stay in focus with the movie,but it is just so annoying!
The filmmaking and writing was pretty sloppy and strange. First of.... It was really trying to sell New York City in a way. Part of it seemed like a walking advertisement for the big apple. Also, the characters lack feeling, I was never able to sympathize with some of the characters, but the actors did the best they could and their acting wasn't as bad as some people have said. After all it is a comedy!
New Years Eve overall is a movie that a lot of people would rather not see. But if you are going out with your girlfriends, you might enjoy it. If offers plenty of small, cheesy giggles and it will help you warm up to the holiday cheer. But it is still annoying. B-
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Rant on Bullying
Why did you just say that? Why did you just do that? I don't understand. Why does it make you happy to put someone down? One small thing you said could've meant the world to someone. So..... Why did you do that?
Out 0f 35 countries why is Canada 9th on the list? Why?. 15-22% of children report being bullied. What is 15% of 5.6 million? A lot.
One in 10 adults report their children being cyberbullied. You know how many that is?
The worst of it. If a person who witnesses the bullying intervenes, The bullying can be stopped in 10 seconds.
10 seconds. Thats all it takes. 10 seconds. Then why aren't the rates of bullying going down? You can save a life.
( I am going to make a video soon on this)
Out 0f 35 countries why is Canada 9th on the list? Why?. 15-22% of children report being bullied. What is 15% of 5.6 million? A lot.
One in 10 adults report their children being cyberbullied. You know how many that is?
The worst of it. If a person who witnesses the bullying intervenes, The bullying can be stopped in 10 seconds.
10 seconds. Thats all it takes. 10 seconds. Then why aren't the rates of bullying going down? You can save a life.
( I am going to make a video soon on this)
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
You know its the holidays when...
You walk into your moms room and your mom hides a bag and yells at you to go away.
All you hear on the radio are christmas songs
When store lineups seem to last an eternity
And when you find yourself counting down the days until break.
Like me.
Just want to wish you guys an early happy holidays and break the news that I now have 190 followers on twitter!!! So HAPPY EARLY HOLIDAYS!!!
Finding a parking spot at a mall is the best feeling ever.
When store lineups seem to last an eternity
When you suddenly develop a craving for hot chocolate everyday
And when you find yourself counting down the days until break.
Like me.
Just want to wish you guys an early happy holidays and break the news that I now have 190 followers on twitter!!! So HAPPY EARLY HOLIDAYS!!!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
A little taste of my week
You know what? This week has been super packed let me explain what has been happening:
Tuesday: Health Project Due
Wednesday: Concert Rehearsals + English project due
Thursday: More concerts
Friday: History + Science due
First things first, I did not mean to procrastinate. Well I didn't procrastinate... My assignments were on time. I just don't enjoy Presenting them to the class. Despite my French accent that sounds english ( I have got over 3 people telling me that), its more of a nerve factor considering I'm presenting history. I actually called John A Macdonald fat by accident in french (No wonder the teacher was laughing).
See this is how my procrastination works, I think and I multitask. I always get it done , to the best quality but it takes longer because of the multitasking. See, photography, blogging, twittering, moviemaking and Facebooking seem to interest me more than the current project. But my mom happens to see me not doing the task at hand and this makes her think that I am procrastinating. Which I'm not.
Anyway, the dear winter concert. I am in band. We do lots of rehearsals. But dear Kassy, you want to be involved way to much and think that being in Free The Children, Book Club, Eco club (3 times a week), Library monitors, Band, Being a eco rep, Stage Crew (setting up for band) is not enough. You just have to join the soloists in the concert and play along with the choir on your beautiful clarinet ( Which sounds flat btw).
On top of that, I have to read 5 books for forest of reading. I have already finished Dear Geroge Cloony, please marry my mom and am currently working on DUST CITY.
So Kassy, you have to get back to what you do best, "procrastinate" because when the time comes you are going to hand in your beautiful lab report with the shiny cover and say to yourself: ' Aren't I glad I handed this in?'.
Woah Kassy! That made NO SENSE!!
Tuesday: Health Project Due
Wednesday: Concert Rehearsals + English project due
Thursday: More concerts
Friday: History + Science due
First things first, I did not mean to procrastinate. Well I didn't procrastinate... My assignments were on time. I just don't enjoy Presenting them to the class. Despite my French accent that sounds english ( I have got over 3 people telling me that), its more of a nerve factor considering I'm presenting history. I actually called John A Macdonald fat by accident in french (No wonder the teacher was laughing).
See this is how my procrastination works, I think and I multitask. I always get it done , to the best quality but it takes longer because of the multitasking. See, photography, blogging, twittering, moviemaking and Facebooking seem to interest me more than the current project. But my mom happens to see me not doing the task at hand and this makes her think that I am procrastinating. Which I'm not.
Anyway, the dear winter concert. I am in band. We do lots of rehearsals. But dear Kassy, you want to be involved way to much and think that being in Free The Children, Book Club, Eco club (3 times a week), Library monitors, Band, Being a eco rep, Stage Crew (setting up for band) is not enough. You just have to join the soloists in the concert and play along with the choir on your beautiful clarinet ( Which sounds flat btw).
On top of that, I have to read 5 books for forest of reading. I have already finished Dear Geroge Cloony, please marry my mom and am currently working on DUST CITY.
So Kassy, you have to get back to what you do best, "procrastinate" because when the time comes you are going to hand in your beautiful lab report with the shiny cover and say to yourself: ' Aren't I glad I handed this in?'.
Woah Kassy! That made NO SENSE!!
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Christmas Playlist
Just wanted to share my imix playlist with you! Its going to be up soon on iTunes, so then you can check it out! Check me out on ping!
Sunday, 4 December 2011
I just saw this video via Love is Louder and I wish him hope. People shouldn't be bullied and I don't understand why people are. It affects everyones lives. Do we really want to affect someones life and make them cry like this? Cut? . To this boy in the video: Stay Strong. You have a life ahead of you. These bullies will be begging on their knees for forgiveness. Stand Tall
All humans should be treated the same, why should someone be picked on? I don't understand but this kind of bullying disgusts me. It should end.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Spotlight on...Catherine Hardwicke
I would just like to do a little spotlight on Catherine Hardwicke, for those who don't know, she is a director of some major movies like Thirteen, Twilight and Red Riding Hood. After watching some of her films, I have come to learn that she has a certain directing style, that brung her into the spotlight.
She is also a woman director, that is pretty cool because a fair majority of directors tend to be men, so its good that she is in the spotlight.
Her distinctive style is a love or hate. She often shows scenery, it is an important aspect of her films. She often gives- kind of like a 360 on everything that happens. I happen to enjoy this style. You can tell if she did a movie without even knowing.
She also uses lots of Canadian scenery (We Canadian's are pretty special), she shot in Canada for both Twilight and Red Riding Hood.
She is also a woman director, that is pretty cool because a fair majority of directors tend to be men, so its good that she is in the spotlight.
Authur Christmas Review
Everyone wants to get into the Christmas Spirit , by blasting some music, by decorating the christmas tree or by dancing to jingle bell rock. But watching Authors christmas, really can get you into that holiday spirit.
Authurs Christmas offers the big actor "James Macavoy" to play the lead as the too skinny, too jolly Authur. Santa's son. After the big Christmas night, Authur discovers that Santa missed a child so he embarks on a journey with his grandfather to set things right.
Authur's Christmas offers up a fresh taste on the typical Christmas movie. It puts our modern day tech into the place of Christmas and changes around Santa's whole role in the events.
Another thing that makes this movie good is the humour. I have to say, my dad and I were laughing our heads off at some of the parts, especially the grand Santa one liners. This movie is just so funny and keeps you smiling and filled with the holiday cheer.
I don't really have much to say about this movie, nothing really bad. Except for the fact that the movie makes Santa look really Lazy ;). But he's not lazy! This movie is perfect, and I mean perfect for adults and children alike. Heck, even adults by themselves would like this movie! A
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Breaking Dawn Part One Review
There are a lot of things I don't understand in life, and Twilight is one of them. Its gotten teens all over America in fights- Team Jacob and Team Edward. But really? What is is about?
The saga continues in the 2-parter Breaking Dawn part 1. Bella gets prepared to Marry the 106 year old Edward- her love for life. Jacob Black, as expected is not happy. But they get married anyway. On their honeymoon, lets just say that "Things" happen that shouldn't happen. Well, Bella is pregnant. Wonderful, a vampire baby is on the way.
The first thing I didn't understand was Jacobs outburst at the beginning of the movie. I mean you love Bella, but why are you running like crazy? I read the book, and Jacob's character seems to be a lot different then they made him in the movies.
This movie was a bit slow, but it was paced well. Jacob seemed to be angry most of the time.
Bellas makeup was done really well. When she was pregnant, she looked like an old woman without the wrinkles and it was really scary and cool.
The ending- I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO END THAT WAY!!! Woah that was intense, seriously. Now, I want to see the next movie!
Overall Breaking Dawn is a movie for teens and woman. I wouldn't recommend someone who doesn't like paranormal movies to even get within 5 metres of the theatre. Why would you see a movie that doesn't interest you? C
Friday, 18 November 2011
Jack & Jill Review
Just in time for the holiday season, the new "Happy Madison" picture "Jack and Jill" comes waltzing into theatres. A week later, it is receiving awful reviews about how cheesy it is. After seeing it, I can tell you the good and bad things about it.
The first thing, its kinda cheesy. The jokes are mostly pee pee jokes and they might not appeal to an older audience. Except for the few that are too lets say "Adult" for the younger kids, and trust me. They will know what they mean.
The second thing, it wasn't awful. This movie is just like the other sander movies, so why are people saying awful things about it? There is a clear moral and it makes kids want to appreciate their family more and be careful about what they say. It also makes them wish they had twins (haha).
Thirdly, it was kinda confusing. A lot of men came in and out of Jills life that kids had trouble catching on. Also, how would someone get off of a cruise ship and come back home in an hour??
Jack and Jill is a family movie, but is not a family movie. It is good for all age groups. It has a clear moral and lots of laughs along the way. Sandler's acting will make kids laugh like crazy, as adults you will just have to wait and see about that. C+
Thursday, 17 November 2011
The Hunger Games Official Trailer: Thoughts.
When I found out the trailer came out on Monday, I had nothing to do but rush over to the computer to watch the highly anticipated video. The teaser was great- but I really wanted to see more of the characters and more of the personalities portrayed in the film.
The beginning shows Katniss and Gale. I remember that scene from the book. It was so amazing, the friendship that Katniss and Gale had. They portrayed it perfectly. Then they showed Effie, her makeup and everything was just as I imagined it to be.
When Prims name was pulled out, Katnisses reaction was gold. Jennifer put her shoes into Katnisses boots and did the exact reaction that I imagined it to be. The hope that she wouldn't be hurt and the anger she felt at the capital. Lawrence showed it all, and showed it perfectly.
I didn't imagine that Cinna would look like that.But he seemed to be playing it pretty well. I also saw the glimpse of the capitol and the show that Katniss was on. The tributes looked pretty dead on to me. I was upset that I didn't see Clove (Isabelle Furhman) or Foxface ( Jackie Emerson) because I really wanted to see what they would look like.
Now Peeta, there were lots of complaints about the actor who played him, but I have seen Josh Hutcherson act- and he can pull it off. From what I saw in this trailer, it is confirmed.
I think that the actors and the writers will carry the true nature of the book to The Hunger Games movie. What do you think?
The beginning shows Katniss and Gale. I remember that scene from the book. It was so amazing, the friendship that Katniss and Gale had. They portrayed it perfectly. Then they showed Effie, her makeup and everything was just as I imagined it to be.
When Prims name was pulled out, Katnisses reaction was gold. Jennifer put her shoes into Katnisses boots and did the exact reaction that I imagined it to be. The hope that she wouldn't be hurt and the anger she felt at the capital. Lawrence showed it all, and showed it perfectly.
I didn't imagine that Cinna would look like that.But he seemed to be playing it pretty well. I also saw the glimpse of the capitol and the show that Katniss was on. The tributes looked pretty dead on to me. I was upset that I didn't see Clove (Isabelle Furhman) or Foxface ( Jackie Emerson) because I really wanted to see what they would look like.
Now Peeta, there were lots of complaints about the actor who played him, but I have seen Josh Hutcherson act- and he can pull it off. From what I saw in this trailer, it is confirmed.
I think that the actors and the writers will carry the true nature of the book to The Hunger Games movie. What do you think?
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Florence + The Machine "Ceremonials" Review
I am obsessing over this album! It is stunning! I have been listening to it for a week! I love the melodies to "All this and heaven to", and "Never let me go". Florence dominates this album with her powerhouse voice and writing skills! Every song on this album is enjoyable! Its even better than the first one (which is pretty hard to beat!)
If you love alternative and enjoy songs that mean something, I would recommend to get this album!!
If you love alternative and enjoy songs that mean something, I would recommend to get this album!!
Monday, 7 November 2011
Greyson, you amaze me.
You are one year older than me and you communicate about issues, like bullying and other problems. I love this song. You are able to tell people that you can stand up when people bully you.
Friday, 28 October 2011
From Bad To Cursed Book Trailer
My friend and I were both looking at good books to read, then we came across the BAD GIRLS DONT DIE series. We both frantically placed the holds for it at the library and looked at the book trailers. We even looked at it for the 2nd book!
From BAD TO CURSED has such an amazing trailer-it didn't give away anything about the book and it was just so well done. Zendeya does such a great job acting in it and really puts herself in the shoes of her character! Can't wait to read this series by Katie Alender!
From BAD TO CURSED has such an amazing trailer-it didn't give away anything about the book and it was just so well done. Zendeya does such a great job acting in it and really puts herself in the shoes of her character! Can't wait to read this series by Katie Alender!
Entertainment Weekend
This weekend is an entertainment weekend for sure!!! Starting 2 movies that i REALLY want to see are coming out: Anonymous and In Time . Words cannot express how EXCITED I am to see Anonymous, since I didn't get to see it at TIFF!! This director is amazing!
As for In Time, I would just like to see how Hollywood works with the new concept and how all these big actors and actresses will be playing roles in it! It also just looks cool!
Anyway thats just a heads up on some movies coming out this weekend and for the kids, Puss in boots hits theatres!!
Happy Halloween!
As for In Time, I would just like to see how Hollywood works with the new concept and how all these big actors and actresses will be playing roles in it! It also just looks cool!
Anyway thats just a heads up on some movies coming out this weekend and for the kids, Puss in boots hits theatres!!
Happy Halloween!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Once Upon A Time- Review
I have to say, the first episode was a little slow. It seemed to drag on. At the beginning it is Emmas birthday, she then finds her son that she gave birth to 10 years ago and gave away for adoption. He begs her not to take him back to his home, because of his awful mom. But she unwillingly gives him a drive home. He has a fairy tale book with him and claims that "Storybrook" is a town filled with fairy tale characters and that time is frozen by the Evil Queen.
This episode we see a lot of flashbacks on the past, to make it clearer for us to understand. These flashbacks will be featured in a lot of the episodes. I do find it takes a while for her to figure things out. I mean slow.
So overall, this show is not a lot like Lost. I didn't expect it to be. I think that if this show continues the way it is-it might just get a second season.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Had an awesome weekend!
I am having an awesome weekend! Taking tons of photos with my camera! I went to Stayner where there were all these cool stores and I went to Downtown Collingwood! I will post some photos on my Flickr account on Sunday/Monday.
Just wanted to say that I made a photography blog- where I will post some awesome photos that inspire me and some of my photography experiences and the feelings that you feel when you use a camera and how it produces different emotions. The blog address is
Just wanted to say that I made a photography blog- where I will post some awesome photos that inspire me and some of my photography experiences and the feelings that you feel when you use a camera and how it produces different emotions. The blog address is
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Stars-Dead Hearts
I was on youtube yesterday and watching the trailer for Like Crazy (So Excited for that) and I found the name of the song at the beginning. Its called Dead Hearts and its by Stars.
I love this song!!
Such a beautiful song, I love it! There is so much more when you just listen to the whole song instead of the one at the beginning of the trailer!!!
I love this song!!
Such a beautiful song, I love it! There is so much more when you just listen to the whole song instead of the one at the beginning of the trailer!!!
Monday, 17 October 2011
Real Steel Review
Everything about Real Steel seemed filled with stardom. Hugh Jackman starring as the main character, the superb special effects and the futuristic plot. But what realy impacted my thoughts on this movie was the feeling it gave me throughout.
Real Steel is about Charlie (Hugh Jackman) who was a pro boxer, then the whole idea of the games changed. Instead of humans boxing, robots began to box. Charlie loses everything because of his high bets. Everything changed when he had to spend the summer with his sonm Max. Max has a high interest on the robot boxing as well, first Charlie is annoyed. Then when Max finds a robot that happens to work, (ADOM) they work together to repair it and get it ready to box.
Hugh Jackman played his character really well. He conveyed the way the character felt to the audience and I thought that was really important. He seemed to put his heart into the character. Max, was played really good as well.
The plot was well done- but I wouldn't say it was an action movie. Although the plot was lacking some action, I thought it was still heartfelt and interesting. The thing that annoyed me was Max, a some times it seemed like he was a bit of a brat. I just didn't like the way he NEEDED to get what he wanted all the time.
Real Steel is a perfect family movie. The whole family will enjoy it for various reasons, adults will enjoy it. Kids will enjoy it and its a win-win choice. Like it or not Real Steel will be a classic because of its timelessness and style. Expect people to be popping it into their blu-ray players in years to come. B+
Sunday, 16 October 2011
50/50 Review
50/50 is a bittersweet comedy about a 27 year old who gets Cancer, and his struggle with friends, family and love along the way.
The thing that drew me to it was that it was based on a true story- something like this actually happened and it is happening right now. But instead of looking at it in a bad way- all the good parts are squeezed out of this event-Cancer.
This film could've been horrible because of its mix in-between emotions, happiness and sadness. But the director and cast seemed to balance out the feelings in this movie.Rogan's character was probably my favourite in this movie because of his ability to cheer up Adam.
I really did enjoy the way this film was shot, every shot seemed to carry emotion to me in several different ways. The different style of focusing the camera. The closeups on the actors or actresses. That type of technique was different than what we are used too and it was good.
I enjoyed the script and the dialogue. The movie was not unrealistic, but not too "Close to life". It had something that made you feel good "In between the lines". It would;t have been the great movie it was without the great job of the actors and actresses. There wasn't one character that I wasn't disappointed in. The characters were real and seemed to carry their emotions and feelings to us, the audience.
50/50 is a movie about beating the odds, but its so much more than that. Its a movie about family,friendship and coping with sudden disasters. Its about making mistakes and falling in love. This is what makes it a good movie, it covers all of that but with humour. And Heart. A
Friday, 14 October 2011
The Secret Circle Takes A Dark And Scary Turn
After the last episode of The Secret Circle , I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it again! It was SO scary. But I stayed with the series and watched the new episode Slither. I am surprised.
I am not going to say it got any less scary, but the twists and turns that this episode had were spellbinding.Starting, the show establishes itself as its own from this episode on, not some Vampire Diaries runner up. It has enough romance and action, plus mystery, just like The Vampire Diaries , but it is just a little more mature. Saying this, the shows twists and turns changed the way I thought of it forever. New people were introduced and characters were built on. The actors and actresses true acting abilities were showcased in this episode.
The Secret Circle has become one of my favourite T.V shows right now. I am going to keep watching, for sure.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
So many movies... So little time
So a little update on this week. I have been busy,busy,busy. With not a lot to post about for that because I haven't seen much movies in the past 2 weeks... I took lots of photos ( )... Anyway. Gonna watch the Sixth Sense soon. SSOOO EXCITED!! M Night is amazing!!!
Anyway did anyone see the latest episode of The Secret Circle? Do you think it might've been called "Too Intense" or do you think that it was just perfect. Some people thought that it was too intense. I was creeped out but not SO SCARED!
I have english homework. Learning a lot about the elements in stories. I will be able to apply some of this into my future reviews soon.
Hopefully this weekend I will see 50/50. Looks really good and funny! I love Film Festival Movies!! I also need to see Martha Marcy May Marlene. Looks so good! But I have to ask my parents. Im not going to any 14a/18a movie without their approval.
So got to go! Gonna be updating my Flickr as much as I can with some awesome photos!!!! BYEEEEEE!!
Anyway did anyone see the latest episode of The Secret Circle? Do you think it might've been called "Too Intense" or do you think that it was just perfect. Some people thought that it was too intense. I was creeped out but not SO SCARED!
I have english homework. Learning a lot about the elements in stories. I will be able to apply some of this into my future reviews soon.
Hopefully this weekend I will see 50/50. Looks really good and funny! I love Film Festival Movies!! I also need to see Martha Marcy May Marlene. Looks so good! But I have to ask my parents. Im not going to any 14a/18a movie without their approval.
So got to go! Gonna be updating my Flickr as much as I can with some awesome photos!!!! BYEEEEEE!!
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Music Overload!
So this weekend I spent approximately $7.14 on music. Yes, I was in a music-e-y mood. Here are the singles and songs that I got.
Shake It Out
Florence & The Machine
Florence is truly amazing. Her voice is unique and distintable. Her songs are very powerful, my favourite being Cosmic Love, this song has a very powerful melody to it. It also is energetic enough. A great song worth buying!!
Jessie J
This song is such a great jumping up and down song. It makes you be in a good mood, but its not too electric and receptive. I know Jessie J can sing. Thats enough for me
If I Die Young
The Band Perry
I love new bands- and this is one of them. With their first- huge country hit called "If I die young" , this band has a good start. It is really catchy, calming and these singers have good voices.
Just a kiss
Lady Antebellum
Lady Antebellum is an incredible country band- just a kiss really shows off their voices together in a nice, sweet song.
Remind Me (Ft Carrie Underwood)
Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood
I bought this song because the tune was catchy and it was part of the 69 cents iTunes special.Carrie Underwood is incredible- as always and they sound wonderful together.
The Script
This song is depressing- but The Script is such a fresh break from some of the songs these days. Breakeven, For The First Time and Nothing are my favourite songs from them.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Steve Jobs
Lately I have heard that Steve Jobs has passed away. He was a great, brilliant man. The thing that bugs me is that we should appreciate him for who he is not just his company. I do love apple products, but that doesn't mean I'm going around saying that "Apple will fan"l.Apple was a team effort, Steve Jobs may have been a huge part in creating Apple, but more than one person made the iPod, iPad and iMac. Lets remember Steve Jobs on his own. RIP STEVE.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Scream 4 Review- in 2 paragraphs
Today is the day Scream 4 comes out on DVD! Here is a short review for it!
I have to say, Scream 4 was the best Scream I have watched, I have only watched the first one though, but it was way more suspenseful, humorous and well- less predictable than the first. Why? Because its been what- 10 years?
First of all, the music was remastered- I could tell the change of music and tunes from the first one to this one. Second of all- the lighting and camera angles were done better then the first, therefore making each person a suspect in the movie, thats what lighting can do. Thirdly the whole idea was different- I had NO idea who the killer was the whole time!!!
Scream 4 is a must see for Slasher fans and for sleepovers, I would say, I would love to see this movie with my friends! But generally, its not the best movie you would want to watch, its more of a fun movie, but I wouldn't say it wasn't worth my time.
I have to say, Scream 4 was the best Scream I have watched, I have only watched the first one though, but it was way more suspenseful, humorous and well- less predictable than the first. Why? Because its been what- 10 years?
First of all, the music was remastered- I could tell the change of music and tunes from the first one to this one. Second of all- the lighting and camera angles were done better then the first, therefore making each person a suspect in the movie, thats what lighting can do. Thirdly the whole idea was different- I had NO idea who the killer was the whole time!!!
Scream 4 is a must see for Slasher fans and for sleepovers, I would say, I would love to see this movie with my friends! But generally, its not the best movie you would want to watch, its more of a fun movie, but I wouldn't say it wasn't worth my time.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Contagion Review
Today I saw the movie CONTAGION! I walked in thinking it would be all about people dying of a rapid spreading disease. I can guarantee one thing, this movie will make you load up on the hand sanitizer.
The movie is a star-packed movie about a disease, that becomes viral and spreads across the globe. Lots of people start to die and the doctors have to find a cure- before it takes over.
Starting, this movie seems terrifying. I was ready to walk out during the first 20 minutes. It is so disturbing the way the people just start to die, I swear I would've walked out if the whole movie was like that.
I loved the plot in this movie, it had so many twists and turns. Figuring out the mystery of the disease was one of the best parts. The actors and actresses played good roles in this movie, unravelling the mystery. There is no real main character, except for Matt Damon's character, but the story still doesn't really revolve around him.
The scary thing about this movie is that it seemed so real- this is what we would do if something like this happened. We would fight for survival. We would want to protect kids and teens first. We would do whatever it would take.
I loved the way the music was used in this movie, whenever something exciting came on screen- some awesome music would all of a sudden come playing. I just thought that, that aspect of the movie was cool.
Contagion was a great movie, I would recommend it. It does great in every element. This movie will disturb you in a way and will leave you with one simple message: Wash your hands!!! B+
The movie is a star-packed movie about a disease, that becomes viral and spreads across the globe. Lots of people start to die and the doctors have to find a cure- before it takes over.
Starting, this movie seems terrifying. I was ready to walk out during the first 20 minutes. It is so disturbing the way the people just start to die, I swear I would've walked out if the whole movie was like that.
I loved the plot in this movie, it had so many twists and turns. Figuring out the mystery of the disease was one of the best parts. The actors and actresses played good roles in this movie, unravelling the mystery. There is no real main character, except for Matt Damon's character, but the story still doesn't really revolve around him.
The scary thing about this movie is that it seemed so real- this is what we would do if something like this happened. We would fight for survival. We would want to protect kids and teens first. We would do whatever it would take.
I loved the way the music was used in this movie, whenever something exciting came on screen- some awesome music would all of a sudden come playing. I just thought that, that aspect of the movie was cool.
Contagion was a great movie, I would recommend it. It does great in every element. This movie will disturb you in a way and will leave you with one simple message: Wash your hands!!! B+
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
We Day!
Today was We Day! As being part in Free The Children since grade 7, I have earned my ticket through volunteer work to participate in the Toronto We Day! I have to say, it was incredible. I did update it through my Twitter account for those who saw, but I decided to write about it because it is an event worth writing about.
When I arrived with Free The Children , it was packed. Of corse there were like, 20,000 people in the ACC alone, but once I got in I was wowed. This was my first concert and it felt extraordinary. There were lights everywhere, illuminating the whole stadium. We got these bags on our seets that had a bunch of freebies, The Free The Children Book, the we day guide, blue lip balm, a granola bar and a ballot to win a Me To We Trip.
To get things straight, I DID BRING MY CAMERA. But since it wasn't that advanced, the image turned out grainy (Parents wouldn't let me bring good camera). Ill post them on Flikr, but I'm warning you, bad quality.
I learned that We Day was not a concert, a shock to some of you. It is an event. To share our passion for doing help to other people. With amazing speakers such Craig Kielburger (Who made Free The Children, who was amazing by the way) and hosts Nina Dobrev and Joe Jonas, We Day was taken to the next level. With inspirational people such as Danny Golver, Mary Robinson, Rick Hanson, Spencer West and Patch Adams ( There were a lot more!!!), the show could've brought me to tears, and quite frankly almost did.
I was amazed by the performances and performers such as Nelly Furtado, who announced that she would donate ONE MILLION dollars to Free The Children, Nikki Yanofsky, Classifed, City and Colour, Shawn Desman and Joe Jonas. The thing I liked about everyone who came on stage is that I got to hear their stories of why they decided to come, it made them feel, in a way just like us wanting a change.
We Day was an amazing event. I learned so much about how we can make a difference.How we can BE THE CHANGE. I loved how we could all join together as one and make a difference. Our voices can be heard.
When I arrived with Free The Children , it was packed. Of corse there were like, 20,000 people in the ACC alone, but once I got in I was wowed. This was my first concert and it felt extraordinary. There were lights everywhere, illuminating the whole stadium. We got these bags on our seets that had a bunch of freebies, The Free The Children Book, the we day guide, blue lip balm, a granola bar and a ballot to win a Me To We Trip.
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A photo taken by much music |
To get things straight, I DID BRING MY CAMERA. But since it wasn't that advanced, the image turned out grainy (Parents wouldn't let me bring good camera). Ill post them on Flikr, but I'm warning you, bad quality.
I learned that We Day was not a concert, a shock to some of you. It is an event. To share our passion for doing help to other people. With amazing speakers such Craig Kielburger (Who made Free The Children, who was amazing by the way) and hosts Nina Dobrev and Joe Jonas, We Day was taken to the next level. With inspirational people such as Danny Golver, Mary Robinson, Rick Hanson, Spencer West and Patch Adams ( There were a lot more!!!), the show could've brought me to tears, and quite frankly almost did.
I was amazed by the performances and performers such as Nelly Furtado, who announced that she would donate ONE MILLION dollars to Free The Children, Nikki Yanofsky, Classifed, City and Colour, Shawn Desman and Joe Jonas. The thing I liked about everyone who came on stage is that I got to hear their stories of why they decided to come, it made them feel, in a way just like us wanting a change.
We Day was an amazing event. I learned so much about how we can make a difference.How we can BE THE CHANGE. I loved how we could all join together as one and make a difference. Our voices can be heard.
Monday, 26 September 2011
I am now a author
Okay it doesn't really sound that way. I am now an Author for my friends new blog: . I will occasional be posting on that blog, but I will always stay focused on this blog here :)
There is a Me To We concert tomorrow :). So Excited. I love how much we can communicate through this event about people needing our help. I will post stuff.
There is a Me To We concert tomorrow :). So Excited. I love how much we can communicate through this event about people needing our help. I will post stuff.
I set up a Flickr!
Now I will be able to share my photography constantly with you!!! Check out my photography!
Sunday, 25 September 2011
V Is Cancelled! Really?
Im a little late on some recent news. I just found out the ABC's show V has cancelled. That means no third season.
V is a remake of the T.V miniseries V. It is about Aliens who come to earth who are not who they claim to be. I really am mad.
First of all, its not some show about teen romance. I have been watching this ever since the first episode of the first season and I have found it to be awesome. Their page on Facebook has over 1,000,000 likes, but their show didn't do good enough for them.
Another reason why I am mad is because the season 2 finale ended with a bang. It ended so good with so many twists into the season, that I couldn't wait for the next season. Even people who didn't watch the season, but watched the finale loved it. The show has good actors and actresses.... Why?
Are you happy that it ended? Were you looking forwards to season 3? COMMENT!
V is a remake of the T.V miniseries V. It is about Aliens who come to earth who are not who they claim to be. I really am mad.
First of all, its not some show about teen romance. I have been watching this ever since the first episode of the first season and I have found it to be awesome. Their page on Facebook has over 1,000,000 likes, but their show didn't do good enough for them.
Another reason why I am mad is because the season 2 finale ended with a bang. It ended so good with so many twists into the season, that I couldn't wait for the next season. Even people who didn't watch the season, but watched the finale loved it. The show has good actors and actresses.... Why?
Are you happy that it ended? Were you looking forwards to season 3? COMMENT!
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Elsewhere, band and stuff!
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Read elsewhere! Gabrielle Zevin! |
Today it was the first band meeting of the year. I can't believe so many people showed up! The music room was packed with I think more than 50 people! I could tell the teacher was proud. When we settled in, the packed room it was so squishy, but when we played-- it was like magic. The music was just so amazing when every instrument played their parts together. We played music that words couldn't express. I love band.
Another thing is that guess whats tonight? Vampire Diaries!!! I am just so excited since its one of my favourite shows! I am gonna watch the secret circle tomorrow! I am excited!!!
I don't know but i've been wondering... What would it be like to MEET Greyson Chance.... He is an amazing singer and performer. Gosh.... Meeting him would be incredible *Pinch* get out of your dream Kassy!!
Thats an update! P.S have you seen my music video cover for the song "Angels" on youtube? Check it out! If you want of coarse.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Demi Lovato's Unbroken Album Track by Track Review
Demi is amazing. For what she does, for what she did. She inspired thousands of young girls and has made herself open to national problems, like bullying. She also released a hit record only months after she came out of rehab.But did Unbroken catch up to all its anticipation from the fans?
1. All Night Long: This song is an upbeat pop song, thats all it is. There is no deep meaning to it, but this shows that Demi has risen to be doing a "Duet" with these artists. This is a fun song.
2. Who's That Boy: I don't enjoy this song on the album, its catchy and it has the artist Dev and all, but I don't see anything but a chart hit.
3. Your My Only Shorty: This song is another fun song, but with Iyaz. This song is really electronic, and repetitive.
4. This song is my favourite duet on this album, it actually means something. So for one of these songs, that means a lot!
5. Lightweight: This is when the deepness of the album begins, with a slower song. Its starts well. This song shows how well Demi Lovato can sing!
6. Unbroken: I like this song, its really cool and original. Its like a club song, and it shows how Demi has evolved from "Don't Forget".
7.Fix A Heart: One of my favourite songs on the album, it is just so beautiful.It really shows that you can NEVER fix a heart or forget anything that someone says.
8. Hold Up: This song is really electronic, but catchy. It is real pop. I would imagine it as more of a running song or a dancing song.
9. Mistake: This song is about someone really making a really bad mistake. It is catchy, and about how she isn't going to look back on the past.
10. Give Your Heart A Break: This song is upbeat, poppy and passionate at the same time. It kind of combines all the genres into this song. Demi has produced several hits on this album for sure
12. In Real Life: This song experiments with a different song style, I liked it and it kind of changes the perspective on a dream and reality. You can't compare a dream to real life.
13. My Love Is Like A Star: This talks about how Demi's Love is like a star (Duh), this song is really slow and deep. Its a change of mood here.
14. For The Love Of A Daughter: This is one of the most meaningful songs on the album. It talks about a dad who drinks too much and has a drinking problem. It radiates love. Put the bottle down!!
15. Skyscraper: A song talking about Demis experiences, it is beautiful and heartfelt, this song is a good song for girls who are under the "Pressure to be perfect".
I love this album, it is heartfelt and upbeat. There are songs to let go, and hold on. I was scared that there would be too many slow songs, but Demi balanced it out right, with some fun songs and some slower songs. Thats what a great artists does. Lets go, and holds on tight.
1. All Night Long: This song is an upbeat pop song, thats all it is. There is no deep meaning to it, but this shows that Demi has risen to be doing a "Duet" with these artists. This is a fun song.
2. Who's That Boy: I don't enjoy this song on the album, its catchy and it has the artist Dev and all, but I don't see anything but a chart hit.
3. Your My Only Shorty: This song is another fun song, but with Iyaz. This song is really electronic, and repetitive.
4. This song is my favourite duet on this album, it actually means something. So for one of these songs, that means a lot!
5. Lightweight: This is when the deepness of the album begins, with a slower song. Its starts well. This song shows how well Demi Lovato can sing!
6. Unbroken: I like this song, its really cool and original. Its like a club song, and it shows how Demi has evolved from "Don't Forget".
7.Fix A Heart: One of my favourite songs on the album, it is just so beautiful.It really shows that you can NEVER fix a heart or forget anything that someone says.
8. Hold Up: This song is really electronic, but catchy. It is real pop. I would imagine it as more of a running song or a dancing song.
9. Mistake: This song is about someone really making a really bad mistake. It is catchy, and about how she isn't going to look back on the past.
10. Give Your Heart A Break: This song is upbeat, poppy and passionate at the same time. It kind of combines all the genres into this song. Demi has produced several hits on this album for sure
12. In Real Life: This song experiments with a different song style, I liked it and it kind of changes the perspective on a dream and reality. You can't compare a dream to real life.
13. My Love Is Like A Star: This talks about how Demi's Love is like a star (Duh), this song is really slow and deep. Its a change of mood here.
14. For The Love Of A Daughter: This is one of the most meaningful songs on the album. It talks about a dad who drinks too much and has a drinking problem. It radiates love. Put the bottle down!!
15. Skyscraper: A song talking about Demis experiences, it is beautiful and heartfelt, this song is a good song for girls who are under the "Pressure to be perfect".
I love this album, it is heartfelt and upbeat. There are songs to let go, and hold on. I was scared that there would be too many slow songs, but Demi balanced it out right, with some fun songs and some slower songs. Thats what a great artists does. Lets go, and holds on tight.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Ashton Kutcher gives two and a half men a fresh start
I am watching the new season of two and a half men right now, I have to say. It resumed well.
I was sure that without Charlie Sheen, the show would have a lacking feeling to it, but Ashton Kutcher filled in the gap that Charlie Sheen left. The new Charlie- replacing character has a whole other personality, different than Charlie's.
The jokes are still the same type of jokes from the previous season, there isn't much of a change in that. The whole "Charlie Dying" thing is really unrealistic though, but it works for a way to get Sheen out of the series. Sheen will still be missed though.
What are your thoughts on Two and a half men? Do you think it won't last without the charm of Charlie Sheen or do you think it will be still as sucessful as its previous seasons?
Angels Unofficial Video
Hey guys, I just decided to check back. I posted my first real video on youtube!!! I am really happy!! It's nothing much, its an interpretation of the song "Angels" by Owl City, which I love!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
The Secret Circle Review
I decided to watch The Secret Circle on Friday, it was right after Vampire Diaries, so why not? Another thing, the main character's name is Cassie, not spelled the same as mine, but pretty close.... Right?
The Secret Circle bears similarties to The Vampire Diaries, starting Cassie's parents are dead, and she finds out a town's secret. But unlike the Vampire Diaries, Cassie is independent. Elena's character tends to be more drawn to act with Stefan or Damon. Cassie finds out that she has more power that she can ever imagine, and that people want it.
Another thing was, I loved the setting, of coarse it was in Canada. This show was shot in VANCOUVER! Beautiful forests in Canada.
Even though it has lots of similarities, I liked it. The plot was really good, and not too hard to understand, and the idea of "The Secret Circle" was original.But not as great as The Vampire Diaries. Just like Sara Shepard (Pretty Little Liars, The Lying Game), L.J Smith has another popular T.V show up her sleeve, but is it good? I would say yes.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song- Review
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Last weekend- I watched the new Cinderella Story movie. This is the uh- third Cinderella Story movie I have watched and I have to say, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
The movie starts with Lucy Hale dreaming about her ideal life- as a singer.She gets waken up by her step brother- a twist. In the movie we found out that a big time record company is coming to the town. Can she show her singing skills or will she have to hide behind her sisters shadow?
A thing I noticed about this movie was that it was way more original Cinderella Story movies. This movie has a serious singing twist and the characters all are a little more original. You could just have named this something without the Cinderella Story name, and it would've still done fine. I really liked the plot.
I did like the music from this movie, Lucy Hale can sing. She is seriously auto tuned in this movie- but she can sing and you can tell. Lucy Hale can also act- which is one less thing to worry about.
Overall, this is a good movie for tweens, not to cheesy, but it goes where it needs to go to remain serious, but fun. B-
Monday, 12 September 2011
The Lying Game VS Pretty Little Liars
The hot author Sara Sheppard has come out with tons of little books about big secrets, and these secrets have turned into real- T.V shows. Both Pretty Little Liars and the Lying Game have turned into hit T.V shows by abc family.
Pretty Little Liars has by far been the most popular of the two series, the suspense factor of Pretty Little Liars overpowers the one from The Lying Game by far. Another thing with the liars is that it has mutiple storylines going on with each girl, so their is more of a point of view to each one then the Lying Game, when the majority of the series is from Emma's perceptive. Pretty Little Liars also has more popular actresses who have recently been featured in lots of movies, are brand ambassadors or were just there for a long time, The Lying Game doesn't have that advantage.
Pretty Little Liars has by far been the most popular of the two series, the suspense factor of Pretty Little Liars overpowers the one from The Lying Game by far. Another thing with the liars is that it has mutiple storylines going on with each girl, so their is more of a point of view to each one then the Lying Game, when the majority of the series is from Emma's perceptive. Pretty Little Liars also has more popular actresses who have recently been featured in lots of movies, are brand ambassadors or were just there for a long time, The Lying Game doesn't have that advantage.
![]() | The 4 Liars advertise season 2 |
The Lying Game has some advantages over Pretty Little Liars, but some disadvantages. A good thing about this series, is that most girls can probably relate to the main girl, Emma she is very down to earth and surprised with all of the glitz that belongs to Sutton.Another thing is that the message, whatever it was was nicer then the one that Pretty Little Liars did, this Girl hasn't done anything really bad (Like make out with her teacher...).But the disadvantage is that this has been done before, I have seen so many of these Twin Switching-Lives things that it starts to get boring after awhile. Another thing is that there wasn't much clarity in it. Everyone seemed to have a secret, and I was confused. At some times it just seems like they made this into a series just for fans of Pretty Little Liars.
![]() | Sneaking Around in The Lying Game |
Overall, I am kind of stumped, although they sound similar they seem to be different. I think that Pretty Little Liars would win, because of its origionally. The Lying Game is just too been there done that, but it does come pretty close to Pretty Little Liars.
I would really want to know which one you liked better!! Just comment and tell me which one is better and why!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
I will remember 9-11
Today is the 10 year anniversary of the tragedy 9-11. I would just like to say that my heart goes out to the people who got lost in the tragedy, their friends and their family.
Friday, 9 September 2011
The Week Has Passed... Only 190 days to go.
The first week of school has gone by so fast! I am so relived to be able to sleep in! Luckily I got really good teachers for the year, so I will learn a lot!!!
So in terms of media I wasn't able to watch much shows. But I got Lucy Hale's new Cinderella Story movie, so I will review that this weekend! I'm also SO EXCITED for The Vampire Diaries to come back and The Secret Circle T.V series to start! The main persons name is Cassie- that just makes it awesome to begin with! I wish it started with a K though..
Also the movie of the weekend will be CONTAGION, the viral film about a viral disease. Looks really good with really good stars. I am excited. If I can see it that is. Its PG, im fine.
And only 190... days left of school. Thats only a little if you think about it HARD!!
So bye, I just like to keep updating!
So in terms of media I wasn't able to watch much shows. But I got Lucy Hale's new Cinderella Story movie, so I will review that this weekend! I'm also SO EXCITED for The Vampire Diaries to come back and The Secret Circle T.V series to start! The main persons name is Cassie- that just makes it awesome to begin with! I wish it started with a K though..
Also the movie of the weekend will be CONTAGION, the viral film about a viral disease. Looks really good with really good stars. I am excited. If I can see it that is. Its PG, im fine.
And only 190... days left of school. Thats only a little if you think about it HARD!!
So bye, I just like to keep updating!
Monday, 5 September 2011
Welcome to!
I have waited till the big 3,000 views, and now I am proud to say that I am the owner of the website ! As the owner, I am incredibly excited, bears no difference to , but I have my own name :)
Anyway, in celebration of the launch, I have RE-DONE the website, I will continue to experiment with colours and everything, until it is perfect!!!!!!
Just thought I'd let you know
Anyway, in celebration of the launch, I have RE-DONE the website, I will continue to experiment with colours and everything, until it is perfect!!!!!!
Just thought I'd let you know
Friday, 2 September 2011
The Smurf's Review
![]() | The Smurf's Take on our modern world. |
I watched the Smurf's today, don't ask why. But half way through, I guarantee anyone over 12 will want to Smurf. But the movie still delivered decently, if you are the right audience.
The movie has the same type of premise as the Christmas hit, Alvin and the chipmunks , following the easter movie Hop. The movie is basically about Smurf's, creatures from a magical land. They go through this portal, into our world, but they have to get home to escape from an evil wizard.
Although this is just a kids movie, it stars some really big stars including Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Katy Perry, Sofia Vergara & George Lopez, which were made to make the movie "More". Like the 2 movies, Alvin and the chipmunks and hop, they both feature animation in a real action setting. Another similarity is that they also have human aids in their journey, and seem to mess up the human lives.
The thing that made the movie over-the-top was the use of some words. The Smurf's had this song, lalalala, which was so smurfin' annoying. They would sing it so often, my little brother was dancing along, but I was burying my head out of annoyance. Also, they say Smurf as so many words, this is made fun of in the movie. They use it as a verb,noun,adjective and swear word. Adults get the hint here.
The good things about this movie was that it had a lesson, and people would be able to enjoy this lesson, it also had many small giggles and laugh moments. The humour seemed to be in crashing into stuff as well.
Overall the movie Smurfs, is a good movie, it delivers, but in a little blue annoying mess. It gets annoying and you get annoyed, but the little kids will really enjoy it, and in the end, thats whats important, after all they are the Smurf's target audience. C+
Quick Review Of The Summer
Hey, today is the last Friday of Summer, so I decided to post my first SUMMER MOVIE AWARDS. Its something I made up, Ill just choose some of the movies that really stood out this summer. It's not much, but I just thought that I should post a little review of Summer. These categories were made for this summer and I think that, since I didn't see as many movies as some people have, I shouldn't do a best movie.
Best Prequel
X-Men First Class
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
Best Comedy Movie
Crazy, Stupid, Love
Our Idiot Brother
Horrible Bosses
Friends With Benefits
Best Action
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
X- Men First Class
Super 8
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2
Captain Amercia: The First Avenger
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Friends With Benefits Review
The movie Friends With Benefits tackled the same concept that lots of movies in cinemas are doing, the idea of friends- with benefits.
This movie is about Jamie and Dylan, who recently broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend, they are emotionally damaged, and then they meet each other. They don't want to commit to a serious relationship, so they do it on a "Friends with benefits" basis.
This movie seemed to be pretty dirty, but you can't be surprised because the whole idea is dirty. Theres about 26 uses of the F word, and other words. But there is no full nudity, but butts, which I am grateful for.
I really enjoyed the acting, Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake really put something into the movie, which helped the movie get along. I really enjoyed Emma Stone play Justin's past girlfriend, she was really funny . Patricia Clarkson, who plays the crazy single mom, and Woody Harrelson really did stand out to be acting wise.
Another aspect of the movie that stood out was their chemistry, face it- Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis seem made for each other! They played out the different stages in their relationship so well, and they seemed to click.
Friends With Benefits is a funny movie, theres no doubt about it, but there's something thats missing. Maybe its not heartfelt enough, or maybe its too silly. But I would recommend it for people who like that kind of movie. C+
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Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake play up their awesome chemistry in Friends With Benefits. |
This movie is about Jamie and Dylan, who recently broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend, they are emotionally damaged, and then they meet each other. They don't want to commit to a serious relationship, so they do it on a "Friends with benefits" basis.
This movie seemed to be pretty dirty, but you can't be surprised because the whole idea is dirty. Theres about 26 uses of the F word, and other words. But there is no full nudity, but butts, which I am grateful for.
I really enjoyed the acting, Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake really put something into the movie, which helped the movie get along. I really enjoyed Emma Stone play Justin's past girlfriend, she was really funny . Patricia Clarkson, who plays the crazy single mom, and Woody Harrelson really did stand out to be acting wise.
Another aspect of the movie that stood out was their chemistry, face it- Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis seem made for each other! They played out the different stages in their relationship so well, and they seemed to click.
Friends With Benefits is a funny movie, theres no doubt about it, but there's something thats missing. Maybe its not heartfelt enough, or maybe its too silly. But I would recommend it for people who like that kind of movie. C+
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
See this is why Summer should be longer.
Yup, its Wednesday. The ghost of schools past has come to haunt us again. Like it does every year. Knowing that today is wednesday, I know that we have about 6 (?) days give or take of freedom until we are thrust against the mad homework, the reckless class time and the everlasting clock.
Yes, you can probably tell that I am not happy to go back to school, but I do kind of enjoy school. But once you are back, you want to be on vacation, but when I got into summer vacation, I wanted to go back. You just have to adjust, study and volia! You will adjust. You know- weekends still exist.
This Summer I have had the pleasure of seeing lots of movies with my friends and family, and seeing many of the new T.V shows that had recently premiered on T.V. Also the music world has changed and evolved over the Summer with new songs from many brilliant artists. Have you heard Florence and the machines new single? Its amazing.
I've also been awarded so many photography opportunities and chances. This summer I have taken photography wherever I went, which is why I have been able to take so many special photos that mean a lot to me. Photography is a great way to express your feelings and use angles, lighting and colors to change the world around you, sometimes seeing it the way you see it and sometimes seeing it in a whole new way.
I have also been experimenting with video, I love the fact that you can change the feeling so much with a change in tune, lighting or camera angles as well. I hope to come up with future stories and short films to post on this blog.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this, by the time I am now, I have gotten over 2,500 views, I know some people may say that it may not be much, but It means a lot to me. Whether your searching for an image and my site came up, searching for the number of swear words in Bridesmaids or searching for the review of the Cd you considered buying , thank you.
Anyhow, my first Summer Movie & Music Awards will be posted on the last Friday of Summer vacay. Yay!!!
Yes, you can probably tell that I am not happy to go back to school, but I do kind of enjoy school. But once you are back, you want to be on vacation, but when I got into summer vacation, I wanted to go back. You just have to adjust, study and volia! You will adjust. You know- weekends still exist.
This Summer I have had the pleasure of seeing lots of movies with my friends and family, and seeing many of the new T.V shows that had recently premiered on T.V. Also the music world has changed and evolved over the Summer with new songs from many brilliant artists. Have you heard Florence and the machines new single? Its amazing.
I've also been awarded so many photography opportunities and chances. This summer I have taken photography wherever I went, which is why I have been able to take so many special photos that mean a lot to me. Photography is a great way to express your feelings and use angles, lighting and colors to change the world around you, sometimes seeing it the way you see it and sometimes seeing it in a whole new way.
I have also been experimenting with video, I love the fact that you can change the feeling so much with a change in tune, lighting or camera angles as well. I hope to come up with future stories and short films to post on this blog.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this, by the time I am now, I have gotten over 2,500 views, I know some people may say that it may not be much, but It means a lot to me. Whether your searching for an image and my site came up, searching for the number of swear words in Bridesmaids or searching for the review of the Cd you considered buying , thank you.
Anyhow, my first Summer Movie & Music Awards will be posted on the last Friday of Summer vacay. Yay!!!
Monday, 29 August 2011
Our Idiot Brother Review
The movie is basically about a man, named Ned. He isn't really the smartest guy in the world, but he cares. One day when he sells drugs to a police officer, he goes to jail. When he finally gets out of jail, he has no where to go, seeking somewhere to stay, he stays with 3 of his sisters, and goes through many bumps in the road.
Having big stars like Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks, Emily Mortimer and Zooey Deschanel, plus the creaters of the hit comedy Little Miss Sunshine, yes thats where this movie seems familiar from, same style of movie, you would expect this to be cheesy, but it isen't.
First of all, even though this might not sound that bad, in between the sweetness, there is lots and lots of F words, meaning different things, there is also nudity, but no full parts are shown.
I enjoyed the acting from this movie, Paul Rudd plays Ned really well and really shows us lots about Neds personality, also the actresses who played the sisters all played really different characters, but played them well.
This is definatly not a movie like the Hangover, in between all the dirty jokes, there is a lesson, a lesson that is visiable to everyone who watches. See the world with open eyes and that trust is key to anything.
Our Idiot Brother bears many resembles to "Little Miss Sunshine" , there is lots of family involved and family problems, it also looks at the positive side of things. Overall, Our Idiot Brother is a great movie to watch, I left the theatre smiling. B
The Hunger Games VMA Presentation
As you probably know, I am a huge fan of THE HUNGER GAMES, so I watched the presentation on the VMAS. Here it is!
What do you think? Lots of people are saying that her face is too clean, but maybe it is just mixed footage of her in the forest, or this is just created for this teaser. She could've just gotten into the arena. This just makes me more excited for the movie in March!!
What do you think? Lots of people are saying that her face is too clean, but maybe it is just mixed footage of her in the forest, or this is just created for this teaser. She could've just gotten into the arena. This just makes me more excited for the movie in March!!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
No More Refills- Are you kidding me?
Cineplex has announced that they will no longer do large drink or popcorn refills. But the prices will stay the same, the large popcorn still going around $6-$7 and the large drink still remaining at its original price.
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The popcorns remain the same size, but the amount gets lowered. |
I have no idea why they did this, but I have a few guesses. The average tub of popcorn has a value of 2 cents, but is sold for $4- $7. Maybe they wanted to make more profit.
I know movie popcorn is bad for you, but seriously? I don't think they took away the refills because of that.
I have heard that some people would bring the same bag in each time, to get a refill each time, which got cineplex upset. My question is, since each refill has the value of approximately 2 cents, how many refills would it take to get their money's worth? A lot.
Now, next time I think about getting a large to share with my friends or family, I will think again. Maybe it isn't worth it anymore.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Lemonade Mouth Movie Review
This is a little late, considering the movie came out a while ago, but I just thought I would review it.
Lemonade Mouth is based on the book by Peter Hughes, it is a movie about a group of very different people. One day Olivia (Brigit Melder), Wen (Adam Hicks),Stella (Hayley Kayoko), Mo (Miami Scott) and Charlie (Blake Mitchael) all meet one day in the least likely place- detention. They then begin expressing the one thing they have in common- music. After they discover that they make a pretty good band. The main idea is that it doesen't matter if your popular or not, everyone can make a difference.
Even though this was a classic disney channel musicial, it has something to it, something that High School Musical diden't have, it had a certain type of friendship feeling to it, maybe it focused more on the friendship than the romance, which I prefer.
I have to say for a disney movie, the acting was really well done. Brigit Melder has always been a good actress and she played the role really convinclingly. I am also surprised with Adam Hicks, who plays in Zeke and Luther. He really stepped up to play this role, and I was pleasantly surprised.
The only thing I am confused with is that there are still knots untied at the end, they introduced romance and then did nothing with the romance, which I find kind of pointless, why have it at all then?
Overall Lemonade Mouth is a good family movie, I would recommend it because of the story, the acting and the message! B
Lemonade Mouth is based on the book by Peter Hughes, it is a movie about a group of very different people. One day Olivia (Brigit Melder), Wen (Adam Hicks),Stella (Hayley Kayoko), Mo (Miami Scott) and Charlie (Blake Mitchael) all meet one day in the least likely place- detention. They then begin expressing the one thing they have in common- music. After they discover that they make a pretty good band. The main idea is that it doesen't matter if your popular or not, everyone can make a difference.
Even though this was a classic disney channel musicial, it has something to it, something that High School Musical diden't have, it had a certain type of friendship feeling to it, maybe it focused more on the friendship than the romance, which I prefer.
I have to say for a disney movie, the acting was really well done. Brigit Melder has always been a good actress and she played the role really convinclingly. I am also surprised with Adam Hicks, who plays in Zeke and Luther. He really stepped up to play this role, and I was pleasantly surprised.
The only thing I am confused with is that there are still knots untied at the end, they introduced romance and then did nothing with the romance, which I find kind of pointless, why have it at all then?
Overall Lemonade Mouth is a good family movie, I would recommend it because of the story, the acting and the message! B
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