Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A little taste of my week

You know what? This week has been super packed let me explain what has been happening:

Tuesday: Health Project Due
Wednesday: Concert Rehearsals + English project due
Thursday: More concerts
Friday: History + Science due

First things first, I did not mean to procrastinate. Well I didn't procrastinate... My assignments were on time. I just don't enjoy Presenting them to the class. Despite my French accent that sounds english ( I have got over 3 people telling me that), its more of a nerve factor considering I'm presenting history. I actually called John A Macdonald fat by accident in french (No wonder the teacher was laughing).

See this is how my procrastination works, I think and I multitask. I always get it done , to the best quality but it takes longer because of the multitasking. See, photography, blogging, twittering, moviemaking and Facebooking seem to interest me more than the current project. But my mom happens to see me not doing the task at hand and this makes her think that I am procrastinating. Which I'm not.

Anyway, the dear winter concert. I am in band. We do lots of rehearsals. But dear Kassy, you want to be involved way to much and think that being in Free The Children, Book Club, Eco club (3 times a week), Library monitors, Band, Being a eco rep, Stage Crew (setting up for band) is not enough. You just have to join the soloists in the concert and play along with the choir on your beautiful clarinet ( Which sounds flat btw).

On top of that, I have to read 5 books for forest of reading. I have already finished Dear Geroge Cloony, please marry my mom and am currently working on DUST CITY.

So Kassy, you have to get back to what you do best, "procrastinate" because when the time comes you are going to hand in your beautiful lab report with the shiny cover and say to yourself: ' Aren't I glad I handed this in?'.

Woah Kassy! That made NO SENSE!!

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