Sunday, 16 October 2011

50/50 Review

50/50 is a bittersweet comedy about a 27 year old who gets Cancer, and his struggle with friends, family and love along the way. 

The thing that drew me to it was that it was based on a true story- something like this actually happened and it is happening right now. But instead of looking at it in a bad way- all the good parts are squeezed out of this event-Cancer.

This film could've been horrible because of its mix in-between emotions, happiness and sadness. But the director and cast seemed to balance out the feelings in this movie.Rogan's character was probably my favourite in this movie because of his ability to cheer up Adam.

I really did enjoy the way this film was shot, every shot seemed to carry emotion to me in several different ways. The different style of focusing the camera. The closeups on the actors or actresses. That type of technique was different than what we are used too and it was good.

I enjoyed the script and the dialogue. The movie was not unrealistic, but not too "Close to life". It had something that made you feel good "In between the lines". It would;t have been the great movie it was without the great job of the actors and actresses. There wasn't one character that I wasn't disappointed in. The characters were real and seemed to carry their emotions and feelings to us, the audience.

50/50 is a movie about beating the odds, but its so much more than that. Its a movie about family,friendship and coping with sudden disasters. Its about making mistakes and falling in love. This is what makes it a good movie, it covers all of that but with humour. And Heart. A

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