Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Breaking Dawn Part One Review

There are a lot of things I don't understand in life, and Twilight is one of them. Its gotten teens all over America in fights- Team Jacob and Team Edward. But really? What is is about?

The saga continues in the 2-parter Breaking Dawn part 1. Bella gets prepared to Marry the 106 year old Edward- her love for life. Jacob Black, as expected is not happy. But they get married anyway. On their honeymoon, lets just say that "Things" happen that shouldn't happen. Well, Bella is pregnant. Wonderful, a vampire baby is on the way.

The first thing I didn't understand was Jacobs outburst at the beginning of the movie. I mean you love Bella, but why are you running like crazy? I read the book, and Jacob's character seems to be a lot different then they made him in the movies. 

This movie was a bit slow, but it was paced well. Jacob seemed to be angry most of the time.

Bellas makeup was done really well. When she was pregnant, she looked like an old woman without the wrinkles and it was really scary and cool.

The ending- I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO END THAT WAY!!! Woah that was intense, seriously. Now, I want to see the next movie!

Overall Breaking Dawn is a movie for teens and woman. I wouldn't recommend someone who doesn't like paranormal movies to even get within 5 metres of the theatre. Why would you see a movie that doesn't interest you? C

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha wow so true!! I don't know if i should wach it... maybe I will rent it on dvd so if i want to yell or smash something, i wont... embarrass my self! :D


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