This week I have been out to "Discover" new types of technology. I made myself a twitter account!!! Yayyy :)!! Another thing? X men is out this weekend! So excited! I will be reviewing that FOR SURE!!
So I was sick in bed for half a day on Monday so I decided to watch one of my favourite movies: The Hangover!
First thing: I DID NOT understand all the joke in it.... But I do enjoy that movie... Especially Allen!
So here is my review for it!
The Hangover was a very unpredictable movie. What would we say about the elements of it? How good was it?
The acting is one of my favourite parts in it! The acting was AMAZING! I wouldn't be able to picture anyone else to play anyone! inappropriate Also if you look closely, you notice that Bridesmaids and the Hangover have several resemblances. Both WEDDINGS and both of them are with different people and have several memorable experiences together.
The 2nd movie? Im not sure!! My parents saw the first and loved it and wouldn't let me see the 2nd one? Why? Because they said that it was SO inappropriate, even for THEM! They said that this one was way funnier too. Maybe all movies don't have to be MAJORLY inappropriate to be funny!
Music... OK. During the movie we are more focused on the situations at hand than the music. But then the music is "cool".
Recommendations for who? Depends on the type of person you are. If you CAN'T STAND swearing. Not for you. But if you love funny movies, this is for you. I liked it. But it was extremely dirty. It was rated R for a reason right?
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