Sunday 19 June 2011

Nine Lives of Chloe King vs Switched at birth

So over the weekend I decided to watch "The Nine Lives Of Chloe King" . Since this show is new, i'm sure that not everyone has heard of it. This show is about a girl- Chloe King, she is adopted and on her 16th birthday she discovers she has superpowers, like hearing,speed, vision and dogs hate her. I'm not going to give too much of it away, but it is a decent show. The acting is decent, the story line is good-  but not exactly original. Chloe's powers are like some superheros- like long nails etc.

I did find that this show was dirtier than the rest of the shows I was watching before (Pretty Little Liars,The Vampire Diaries). I was watching this with my brother, and he enjoyed it. I think he likes the whole "cat" idea though.

Overall the show wasn't bad, but it wasn't "Great". I hope it gets better, because this is only the first episode. If you liked Pretty Little Liars, I think you will like this show.

Switched at birth

Switched at birth is a show about 2 girls who discover that they were switched when they were born, their parents aren't actually their parents. When they meet the other family with the wrong kid, they get into lots of drama and fights-and awkwardness.

I have to say that I enjoyed switched at birth more than Chloe King because I found that the plot was more developed and the beginning was better explained. Also Switched At Birth was more realistic. 

Both are from ABC family, and they feature the same types of cameras and music. But the plots were both different. 

Overall, Switched at birth wins the battle, but the nine lives of chloe king comes in closely. 


  1. I agree, i watched all episodes of each show till now, and I think switched at birth is WAY better. :]

  2. Yeah. Switched at birth had a better plot throughout and was better plotted than Nine Lives.

  3. okay I know everybody has an opinion, but switched at birth is just about being switched at birth there not going to be a big climax, and they are not going to be able to build off of it for a long time. But for Chloe king each episode its getting more and more exciting, and the climax will be 10x better. If I had to choose it would be Chloe King.

  4. Really? Thats a really good point! I haven't watched in in awhile so has it gotten more exciting?

  5. yeah it gets better every episode, but with switched at birth, its the same thing over and over again just in different situations. Trust me dont waste all your time on switched at birth because its not worth it. But The nine lives of Chloe King, oh yeah thats totally worth it.

  6. the nine lives of chloe king is way way way better. i have to agree, switched at birth has the same thing on and on. but, the nine lives has everything a good tv show should have like romance action comedy and more!. i would definitly choose the nine lives of chloe king. :) :)

  7. Yes, usually the shows with better climax, comedy,romance and action do better then the other shows, but that was my opinion on the shows. I still do enjoy the plot better in Switched At Birth though. I just reviewed the first 2 pilot episodes, so my opinion could change later on.

  8. my opinion: the nine lives of chloe king is better than switched at birth. in the nine lives theres more than just 2 people getting hard can it be..i would get over it. your with your real parents now. Whats the big deal. the nine lives have much more to offer. i think switched at birth wouldnt last long.

  9. same here!! i think the nine lives is way better than switched at birth

  10. I had no idea that it got better! Maybe ill try to continue watching it, then post more on it on my blog! But I know Switched At Birth might get boring, but I really like the show right now.

  11. well if u watch TNLOCK i bet youll love it and youll change your mind about SAB!


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