Tuesday, 7 June 2011

New Stuff!

M.T.V movie awards were 2 days ago and the hype is still on. Why? Twilight won. Surprise, Surprise. This was voted by teens so it is the most popular movie. But not necessary the best.Although it was still not bad.

Anyhow they released the new trailer with Robert and Kirsten AKA Bella and Eddy. I did read the book and it was the only Twilight book I have read.

They also released the official clip from HP7 part 2!! Super exciting! Ahhhh!!

I am so excited to see super 8 as well! Steven Spielberg one of my favourite directors is producing! I couldn't find the clip on youtube though.

Well to wrap it up. The awards were fine. But if Twilight was competing, it was guaranteed to win, the others didn't have a chance. Also the same with Justin Bieber. (Theres a reason for the oscars, this is peoples choice. Popularity, not quality but sometimes they have a compromise) 

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