Overall the books are amazing but my all time favourite is the first one!!!! Suzanne Collins is such an amazing writer and when I heard about it, I was grossed out. I thought that killing to death was a gross idea. But this had way more meaning! I even got my mom hooked on the series.
The casting. Lots of people complained about Jennifer Lawerence as Katniss. Im not! She is an amazing actress and I just love her acting in X-Men First Class and Winter's Bone! She just has all the spunk and ablities to play Katniss. Guess What? They can dye her hair brown so don't worry!
Josh Hutcherson as Peeta... Yeah they can make him Peetaish. He can act. Thats important. Dye his hair blonde and he can be Peeta. Think about his performance in Bridge to Terabithia, he truly communicated his feelings to the audience.
Liam Hemsworth as Gale. Yes he is an O.K actor. But he sort of looks like Gale! They can dye his hair too! And change his appearance.
Now I will show you links to Hunger Gams Stuff:
Movie Casting: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1392170/
UK Site: http://www.thehungergames.co.uk/
Fan Sites:
Follow them on Twitter too!!!!
Funny Parody
Here is a link to the whole cast of The Hunger Games! Tell me what you think!
omg I love the hunger games!!!!