Monday, 22 August 2011

Teen Spirit Review

Teen Spirit is a movie trying to prove a point that was already proven, but trying to make it a twist for the modern audience, in a Mean Girls , sort of way. But this movie does not come to Mean Girl's status, and not even darn close to that. With Lindsey Shaw and Cassie Scerbo, two girls that made their big debuts on T.V shows such as Pretty Little Liars and 10 Things I Hate About You, there is a reason why this show stayed on the small screen.

Cassie Scerbo and Lindsey Shaw get all glammed up, to get one simple crown.

The movie opens up with the popular girls, these girls are so unrealistic, in every way. No one will be able to relate to them at all, they are obsessing over some "Crown", then we see the unpopular girls, they are a little more relatable, but still, no. There is no personality to these characters, we don't see who they really are, its like we don't know anything about them. The popular girl, Amber then dies, like that. Why? Because she got electrified when trying to reach for her prom crown, they are trying to make this funny, but it really isn't, this girl is so stupid, and its sad. But as the movie goes on, we soon discover everyone is laughing over Ambers dead body. After, ambers spirit, is set on a task, for her not to go to hell, she has to make the unpopular girl, become popular and be the Prom Queen. 

The script is simply awful, it is so predictable and really boring, and really lacks originality. The characters are really bland and are just the normal girls, nothing special. It seems like its trying to make us laugh, in awkward ways, that just cause more silence. 

The acting isen't much better, Lindsey Shaw did a good performance, but I felt like I was missing a lot of points from her character, Cassie Serbo on the other hand, seemed like she was trying way too hard to play her character, it improved later on in the movie though, but it just seemed like she didn't see any personality in her character.The only thing that is good is their chemistry on the screen, the ending scene  with them was really well done, because they did show emotion.

Overall, this movie doesn't prove anything, its missing what Mean Girls had to make it a success, and its just doing the basic, Unpopular girl becomes popular, and stays that way, nothing special and totally missable. C-


  1. Your so off base, the movie was awesome, don't forget it's a teen movie! The acting between the lead girls was amazing and there are many sites and magazines which stated how awesome their on screen chemistry was. Is everything you read and watch supposed to be completely real life? NOOO If everything on TV and in the movies made sense we would never watch anything, why because then it's boring!!! This movie was adorable in every way and I'm sorry your such a boring person who only should be watching CNN because you need a little imagination in your life! I loved the movie and every person I know who watched it also loved it...along with the very many people on the ABC family sites and other forms of magazines and on-line sources!

  2. I would like to say that I respect you for telling me your opinion, I was reviewing the movie on all its elements, Teen Spirit is a good teen movie, but I didn't enjoy it, this was my review for it. I am sure there are some people that liked it and some that didn't like it. You are right about their chemistry and the lesson in the movie. That was what I liked about it because its important for a movie to have a moral!


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