Friday, 30 September 2011

Contagion Review

Today I saw the movie CONTAGION! I walked in thinking it would be all about people dying of a rapid spreading disease. I can guarantee one thing, this movie will make you load up on the hand sanitizer.

The movie is a star-packed movie about a disease, that becomes viral and spreads across the globe. Lots of people start to die and the doctors have to find a cure- before it takes over.

Starting, this movie seems terrifying. I was ready to walk out during the first 20 minutes. It is so disturbing the way the people just start to die, I swear I would've walked out if the whole movie was like that.

I loved the plot in this movie, it had so many twists and turns. Figuring out the mystery of the disease was one of the best parts. The actors and actresses played good roles in this movie, unravelling the mystery. There is no real main character, except for Matt Damon's character, but the story still doesn't really revolve around him.

The scary thing about this movie is that it seemed so real- this is what we would do if something like this happened. We would fight for survival. We would want to protect kids and teens first. We would do whatever it would take.

I loved the way the music was used in this movie, whenever something exciting came on screen- some awesome music would all of a sudden come playing. I just thought that, that aspect of the movie was cool.

Contagion was a great movie, I would recommend it. It does great in every element. This movie will disturb you in a way and will leave you with one simple message: Wash your hands!!! B+

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

We Day!

Today was We Day! As being part in Free The Children since grade 7, I have earned my ticket through volunteer work to participate in the Toronto We Day! I have to say, it was incredible. I did update it through my Twitter account for those who saw, but I decided to write about it because it is an event worth writing about.

When I arrived with Free The Children , it was packed. Of corse there were like, 20,000 people in the ACC alone, but once I got in I was wowed. This was my first concert and it felt extraordinary. There were lights everywhere, illuminating the whole stadium. We got these bags on our seets that had a bunch of freebies, The Free The Children Book, the we day guide, blue lip balm, a granola bar and a ballot to win a Me To We Trip.

A photo taken by much music

To get things straight, I DID BRING MY CAMERA. But since it wasn't that advanced, the image turned out grainy (Parents wouldn't let me bring good camera). Ill post them on Flikr, but I'm warning you, bad quality.

I learned that We Day was not a concert, a shock to some of you. It is an event. To share our passion for doing help to other people. With amazing speakers such Craig Kielburger (Who made Free The Children, who was amazing by the way) and hosts Nina Dobrev and Joe Jonas, We Day was taken to the next level. With inspirational people such as Danny Golver, Mary Robinson, Rick Hanson, Spencer West and Patch Adams ( There were a lot more!!!), the show could've brought me to tears, and quite frankly almost did.

I was amazed by the performances and performers such as Nelly Furtado, who announced that she would donate ONE MILLION dollars to Free The Children, Nikki Yanofsky, Classifed, City and Colour, Shawn Desman and Joe Jonas. The thing I liked about everyone who came on stage is that I got to hear their stories of why they decided to come, it made them feel, in a way just like us wanting a change.

We Day was an amazing event. I learned so much about how we can make a difference.How we can BE THE CHANGE. I loved how we could all join together as one and make a difference. Our voices can be heard.

Monday, 26 September 2011

I am now a author

Okay it doesn't really sound that way. I am now an Author for my friends new blog: . I will occasional be posting on that blog, but I will always stay focused on this blog here :)

There is a Me To We concert tomorrow :). So Excited. I love how much we can communicate through this event about people needing our help. I will post stuff.

I set up a Flickr!

IMG_2685 by kassy98
IMG_2685, a photo by kassy98 on Flickr.

Now I will be able to share my photography constantly with you!!! Check out my photography!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

V Is Cancelled! Really?

Im a little late on some recent news. I just found out the ABC's show V has cancelled. That means no third season.

V is a remake of the T.V miniseries V. It is about Aliens who come to earth who are not who they claim to be. I really am mad.

First of all, its not some show about teen romance. I have been watching this ever since the first episode of the first season and I have found it to be awesome. Their page on Facebook has over 1,000,000 likes, but their show didn't do good enough for them.

Another reason why I am mad is because the season 2 finale ended with a bang. It ended so good with so many twists into the season, that I couldn't wait for the next season. Even people who didn't watch the season, but watched the finale loved it. The show has good actors and actresses.... Why?

Are you happy that it ended? Were you looking forwards to season 3? COMMENT!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Elsewhere, band and stuff!

Read elsewhere! Gabrielle Zevin!
HI, last time I wrote was a day ago. Oh... Long time no see. I just decided to put forwards a little (Big) update for you. I have been reading this book all week, its called Elsewhere. I finally finished it and it was truly an amazing read! It really brought your feelings up at the end! Its a book about afterlife, but its nice and easygoing and not scary and intense. So if you like that kind of stuff.... Go for it! :D. I've convinced my mom to read it too!!! Haha...

Today it was the first band meeting of the year. I can't believe so many people showed up! The music room was packed with I think more than 50 people! I could tell the teacher was proud. When we settled in, the packed room it was so squishy, but when we played-- it was like magic. The music was just so amazing when every instrument played their parts together. We played music that words couldn't express. I love band.

Another thing is that guess whats tonight? Vampire Diaries!!! I am just so excited since its one of my favourite shows! I am gonna watch the secret circle tomorrow! I am excited!!!

I don't know but i've been wondering... What would it be like to MEET Greyson Chance.... He is an amazing singer and performer. Gosh.... Meeting him would be incredible *Pinch* get out of your dream Kassy!!

Thats an update! P.S have you seen my music video cover for the song "Angels" on youtube? Check it out! If you want of coarse.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Demi Lovato's Unbroken Album Track by Track Review

Demi is amazing. For what she does, for what she did. She inspired thousands of young girls and has made herself open to national problems, like bullying. She also released a hit record only months after she came out of rehab.But did Unbroken catch up to all its anticipation from the fans?

1. All Night Long: This song is an upbeat pop song, thats all it is. There is no deep meaning to it, but this shows that Demi has risen to be doing a "Duet" with these artists. This is a fun song.

2. Who's That Boy: I don't enjoy this song on the album, its catchy and it has the artist Dev and all, but I don't see anything but a chart hit.

3. Your My Only Shorty: This song is another fun song, but with Iyaz. This song is really electronic, and repetitive.

4. This song is my favourite duet on this album, it actually means something. So for one of these songs, that means a lot!

5. Lightweight: This is when the deepness of the album begins, with a slower song. Its starts well. This song shows how well Demi Lovato can sing!

6. Unbroken: I like this song, its really cool and original. Its like a club song, and it shows how Demi has evolved from "Don't Forget".

7.Fix A Heart: One of my favourite songs on the album, it is just so beautiful.It really shows that you can NEVER fix a heart or forget anything that someone says.

8. Hold Up: This song is really electronic, but catchy. It is real pop. I would imagine it as more of a running song or a dancing song.

9. Mistake: This song is about someone really making a really bad mistake. It is catchy, and about how she isn't going to look back on the past.

10. Give Your Heart A Break: This song is upbeat, poppy and passionate at the same time. It kind of combines all the genres into this song. Demi has produced several hits on this album for sure

12. In Real Life: This song experiments with a different song style, I liked it and it kind of changes the perspective on a dream and reality. You can't compare a dream to real life.

13. My Love Is Like A Star: This talks about how Demi's Love is like a star (Duh), this song is really slow and deep. Its a change of mood here.

14. For The Love Of A Daughter: This is one of the most meaningful songs on the album. It talks about a dad who drinks too much and has a drinking problem. It radiates love. Put the bottle down!!

15. Skyscraper: A song talking about Demis experiences, it is beautiful and heartfelt, this song is a good song for girls who are under the "Pressure to be perfect".

I love this album, it is heartfelt and upbeat. There are songs to let go, and hold on. I was scared that there would be too many slow songs, but Demi balanced it out right, with some fun songs and some slower songs. Thats what a great artists does. Lets go, and holds on tight.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Ashton Kutcher gives two and a half men a fresh start

I am watching the new season of two and a half men right now, I have to say. It resumed well.

I was sure that without Charlie Sheen, the show would have a lacking feeling to it, but Ashton Kutcher filled in the gap that Charlie Sheen left. The new Charlie- replacing character has a whole other personality, different than Charlie's.

The jokes are still the same type of jokes from the previous season, there isn't much of a change in that. The whole "Charlie Dying" thing is really unrealistic though, but it works for a way to get Sheen out of the series. Sheen will still be missed though.

What are your thoughts on Two and a half men? Do you think it won't last without the charm of Charlie Sheen or do you think it will be still as sucessful as its previous seasons?

Angels Unofficial Video

Hey guys, I just decided to check back. I posted my first real video on youtube!!! I am really happy!! It's nothing much, its an interpretation of the song "Angels" by Owl City, which I love!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

The Secret Circle Review

I decided to watch The Secret Circle on Friday, it was right after Vampire Diaries, so why not? Another thing, the main character's name is Cassie, not spelled the same as mine, but pretty close.... Right?

The Secret Circle bears similarties to The Vampire Diaries, starting Cassie's parents are dead, and she finds out a town's secret. But unlike the Vampire Diaries, Cassie is independent. Elena's character tends to be more drawn to act with Stefan or Damon. Cassie finds out that she has more power that she can ever imagine, and that people want it.

Another thing was, I loved the setting, of coarse it was in Canada. This show was shot in VANCOUVER!  Beautiful forests in Canada.

Even though it has lots of similarities, I liked it. The plot was really good, and not too hard to understand, and the idea of "The Secret Circle" was original.But not as great as The Vampire Diaries. Just like Sara Shepard (Pretty Little Liars, The Lying Game), L.J Smith has another popular T.V show up her sleeve, but is it good? I would say yes.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song- Review

Last weekend- I watched the new Cinderella Story movie. This is the uh- third Cinderella Story movie I have watched and I have to say, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

The movie starts with Lucy Hale dreaming about her ideal life- as a singer.She gets waken up by her step brother- a twist. In the movie we found out that a big time record company is coming to the town. Can she show her singing skills or will she have to hide behind her sisters shadow?

A thing I noticed about this movie was that it was way more original Cinderella Story movies. This movie has a serious singing twist and the characters all are a little more original. You could just have named this something without the Cinderella Story name, and it would've still done fine. I really liked the plot.

I did like the music from this movie, Lucy Hale can sing. She is seriously auto tuned in this movie- but she can sing and you can tell. Lucy Hale can also act- which is one less thing to worry about.

Overall, this is a good movie for tweens, not to cheesy, but it goes where it needs to go to remain serious, but fun. B-

Monday, 12 September 2011

The Lying Game VS Pretty Little Liars

The hot author Sara Sheppard has come out with tons of little books about big secrets, and these secrets have turned into real- T.V shows. Both Pretty Little Liars and the Lying Game have turned into hit T.V shows by abc family.

Pretty Little Liars has by far been the most popular of the two series, the suspense factor of Pretty Little Liars overpowers the one from The Lying Game by far. Another thing with the liars is that it has mutiple storylines going on with each girl, so their is more of a point of view to each one then the Lying Game, when the majority of the series is from Emma's perceptive. Pretty Little Liars also has more popular actresses who have recently been featured in lots of movies, are brand ambassadors  or were just there for a long time, The Lying Game doesn't have that advantage.
The 4 Liars advertise season 2

The Lying Game has some advantages over Pretty Little Liars, but some disadvantages. A good thing about this series, is that most girls can probably relate to the main girl, Emma she is very down to earth and surprised with all of the glitz that belongs to Sutton.Another thing is that the message, whatever it was was nicer then the one that Pretty Little Liars did, this Girl hasn't done anything really bad (Like make out with her teacher...).But the disadvantage is that this has been done before, I have seen so many of these Twin Switching-Lives things that it starts to get boring after awhile. Another thing is that there wasn't much clarity in it. Everyone seemed to have a secret, and I was confused. At some times it just seems like they made this into a series just for fans of Pretty Little Liars.
Sneaking Around in The Lying Game

Overall, I am kind of stumped, although they sound similar they seem to be different. I think that Pretty Little Liars would win, because of its origionally. The Lying Game is just too been there done that, but it does come pretty close to Pretty Little Liars. 

I would really want to know which one you liked better!! Just comment and tell me which one is better and why!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

I will remember 9-11

Today is the 10 year anniversary of the tragedy 9-11. I would just like to say that my heart goes out to the people who got lost in the tragedy, their friends and their family.

Friday, 9 September 2011

The Week Has Passed... Only 190 days to go.

The first week of school has gone by so fast! I am so relived to be able to sleep in! Luckily I got really good teachers for the year, so I will learn a lot!!!

So in terms of media I wasn't able to watch much shows. But I got Lucy Hale's new Cinderella Story movie, so I will review that this weekend! I'm also SO EXCITED for The Vampire Diaries to come back and The Secret Circle T.V series to start! The main persons name is Cassie- that just makes it awesome to begin with! I wish it started with a K though..

Also the movie of the weekend will be CONTAGION, the viral film about a viral disease. Looks really good with really good stars. I am excited. If I can see it that is. Its PG, im fine.

And only 190... days left of school. Thats only a little if you think about it HARD!!

So bye, I just like to keep updating!

Monday, 5 September 2011

Welcome to!

I have waited till the big 3,000 views, and now I am proud to say that I am the owner of the website ! As the owner, I am incredibly excited, bears no difference to , but I have my own name :)

Anyway, in celebration of the launch, I have RE-DONE the website, I will continue to experiment with colours and everything, until it is perfect!!!!!!

Just thought I'd let you know


Friday, 2 September 2011

The Smurf's Review
The Smurf's Take on our modern world.

I watched the Smurf's today, don't ask why. But half way through, I guarantee anyone over 12 will want to Smurf. But the movie still delivered decently, if you are the right audience.

The movie has the same type of premise as the Christmas hit, Alvin and the chipmunks , following the easter movie Hop. The movie is basically about Smurf's, creatures from a magical land. They go through this portal, into our world, but they have to get home to escape from an evil wizard.

Although this is just a kids movie, it stars some really big stars including Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Katy Perry, Sofia Vergara & George Lopez, which were made to make the movie "More". Like the 2 movies, Alvin and the chipmunks and hop, they both feature animation in a real action setting. Another similarity is that they also have human aids in their journey, and seem to mess up the human lives.

The thing that made the movie over-the-top was the use of some words. The Smurf's had this song, lalalala, which was so smurfin' annoying. They would sing it so often, my little brother was dancing along, but I was burying my head out of annoyance. Also, they say Smurf as so many words, this is made fun of in the movie. They use it as a verb,noun,adjective and swear word. Adults get the hint here.

The good things about this movie was that it had a lesson, and people would be able to enjoy this lesson, it also had many small giggles and laugh moments. The humour seemed to be in crashing into stuff as well.

Overall the movie Smurfs, is a good movie, it delivers, but in a little blue annoying mess. It gets annoying and you get annoyed, but the little kids will really enjoy it, and in the end, thats whats important, after all they are the Smurf's target audience. C+

Quick Review Of The Summer

Hey, today is the last Friday of Summer, so I decided to post my first SUMMER MOVIE AWARDS. Its something I made up, Ill just choose some of the movies that really stood out this summer. It's not much, but I just thought that I should post a little review of Summer. These categories were made for this summer and I think that, since I didn't see as many movies as some people have, I shouldn't do a best movie.

Best Prequel 

X-Men First Class
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

Best Comedy Movie

Crazy, Stupid, Love
Our Idiot Brother
Horrible Bosses
Friends With Benefits 

Best Action
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
X- Men First Class
Super 8
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2
Captain Amercia: The First Avenger

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Friends With Benefits Review

The movie Friends With Benefits tackled the same concept that lots of movies in cinemas are doing, the idea of friends- with benefits.

Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake play up their awesome chemistry in
Friends With Benefits. 

This movie is about Jamie and Dylan, who recently broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend, they are emotionally damaged, and then they meet each other. They don't want to commit to a serious relationship, so they do it on a "Friends with benefits" basis.

This movie seemed to be pretty dirty, but you can't be surprised because the whole idea is dirty. Theres about 26 uses of the F word, and other words. But there is no full nudity, but butts, which I am grateful for.

I really enjoyed the acting, Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake really put something into the movie, which helped the movie get along. I really enjoyed Emma Stone play Justin's past girlfriend, she was really funny . Patricia Clarkson, who plays the crazy single mom, and Woody Harrelson really did stand out to be acting wise.

Another aspect of the movie that stood out was their chemistry, face it- Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis seem made for each other! They played out the different stages in their relationship so well, and they seemed to click.

Friends With Benefits is a funny movie, theres no doubt about it, but there's something thats missing. Maybe its not heartfelt enough, or maybe its too silly. But I would recommend it for people who like that kind of movie. C+