Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Last Wednesday of March

Sorry I haven't been updating my blog for the past couple of days!!!!!! Right now im listening to the new album from avril lavigne... Its called Goodbye Lullaby.

I love this album!!!! (Besides the swearing)!!! The songs are such a good break from the repetitive pop songs these days!!

I love the songs: Everybody hurts, Wish you were here, Push and Smile (The chorus, I never swear and do not like swearing!!!)


  1. @Memi :) Hey! And you actually remembered the URL!!!
    @Blog Post Avril Lavigne is really good. I LOVED her when I was like 5 years old. But Taylor Swift is better. :)

  2. That's Memi's blog, BTW. In case you were wondering. :) How's Jacob's hamster?
    And in case you were wondering, Memi is someone I know from school. Grade 8! I would tell you more but... I'm not her so I'm not sure if she'd want me to tell... :)



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