You stand there, speechless. People are throwing insults at you, you try to miss some but others hit you so hard you can’t breathe. You can’t bear it anymore. Where will you run? You know that when you get home, it will be waiting for you. Waiting for you on your computer. You just wish someone would stand up to this torture you are going through.
64% of students say that bullying is part of their normal school life. 64%. Do you know how much that is? Bullying can happen to anyone, everywhere in any way, shape or form. That is what makes the bullying so scary. You don’t know if you will be waking up tomorrow, and the bullying will turn on you. What exactly is bullying? Bullying is when someone says or does something to offend someone in a way that makes them feel hurt, or us unwanted. Bullying isn’t just hurting people physically, its also hurting people by saying things.
Bullying has gone to such a terrible extent when people don’t want to live anymore. Suicide . Suicide is the 3rd leading cause among deaths in teenagers. Bullies make the people think that the world would be better off without them, causing them to spiral in a long period of depression. They may try alcohol and drugs, but in the end they might get so depressed that succeed becomes more, and more of an option. At least half of succeeds among teens and youth are at the cause for bullying.
There are 3 types of people that take place in the bullying cycle. The bully, the bystander and the victim. The bully is the person who torments, they try to find every last flaw, every last insecurity in the victim. They try to mentally and physically abuse the person as much as possible. Studies show that girl bullies tend to use words more while guy bullies tend to use more physical abuse to hurt someone. There are several reasons why the bully does what he or she is doing. They may envy you, so they might want to put you down. They may feel so bad about themselves, that they want you to feel bad about yourself as well. But being the bully in a situation like this is crying for help in the quietest way possible. We need to take action, tell a trusted adult, maybe the bully is suffering as well.
The victim. The bully can’t torment without a victim. Someone that the bully makes feel bad. The victim is going to be the one that goes home suffering the most. Victims can suffer from depression, cutting, eating disorders and even can choose to commit suicide. The best thing a victim can do is talk to someone they trust, get friends to stand up with them or tell the bully to stop straight to their face. If the bully still doesn’t stop, the victim can issue police involvement. No matter what the victim does, they will still suffer with a scar that lasts a lifetime.
Lastly the bystander. The bystander can be a nice person or a mean person. They can stand there and do nothing or join in and laugh. Nowadays the bystander is being punished almost as much as the bully is because they aren't doing anything to stop it. Bystanders have the ongoing fear that if they stand up, they will be the ones picked on the next time.The bystander is stuck between 2 worlds, so they stay in the middle.If bystanders would stand up to the bully, they wouldn’t be bystanders, they would be hero's. But it is easier to do nothing than to do something.
The internet is a wonderful place, if used wisely. But with the high usage of social networks like blogs, Facebook, twitter and form spring, things can get from good to bad in a matter of seconds. Harassment occurs more than ever on the internet, 9 out of 10 students report being hurt from a social network or chat. That rate is really high!The reason why people tend to hurt people over the internet is because since they don’t have to say it face to face, its easier for them so say things they wouldn’t even say in person. The internet is a worse place to bully others because what is said on the internet stays there forever, even when its deleted. Nothing you say will ever be erased. When you see something mean directed towards someone else, even on the internet, stand up. Tell them something nice about the person. Positive, never negative on the internet.
But why do I care? Why is bullying so close to my heart? Even if I am not bullied at this time, I have been bullied. I have felt the pain and the pain is undeniable. Even if you aren’t being bullied, the pain will affect you. You never know who bullying will take, your family, your friends or someone you love. We all have the power to end bullying. We have to use it. No matter our appearance, race, sexuality, religion, hobbies, eye colour, interests, money, intelligence every human life is worth the same so lets treat it that way.