Friday, 24 February 2012

Extremely Loud Incredibly Close- Review

Imagine life from your perspective as a child. Everything was in detail, your feet when "pumping" on a swing, the tap water dripping, every little detail in life was magnetized to a big extent. This can prove good, or bad.

Extremely Loud Incredibly Close is a film about a boy,with a keen sense of intelligence and logic. He needs to have an explanation of everything, the world around him. His father always sets up a expedition to hunt for clues. But when his father dies in 9/11, he finds and key. He then goes on a search for the lock.

This movie is jammed packed with stars from head to toe. Tom Hanks, Thomas Horn and Sandra Bullock star, just to name a few. The acting in this movie was incredible. The role that Thomas Horn played was a very difficult role to play and he played it flawlessly. I was 100% convinced that he was the character, nothing seemed forced in his acting. I cannot stress how good the acting was, Sandra Bullock (as always) played an amazing character and portrayed the moms feelings well. Tom Hanks and Max Von Sydow were a couple of other amazing performances in the film.

The cinematography was flawless. The use of lighting and camera angles was to the fullest extent. These shots, expressed so much feeling and emotions and really gave you the story in the point of view of the kid, it added so much and created so much messages in the movie.

The only thing I didn't really like was the boys character. I found it was really hard to sympathize with him and relate to what he was going through by his actions. The way he spoke to adults some of the time was just awful. He was so bossy and had some really weird traits.

Another thing was , there wasn't really a target audience for this movie. I mean to say is that it would only attract a certain audience. The theme, is too mature for kids. I have to warn you, there are some really mature parts. This kid has some real issues, that I wouldn't recommend a kid to watch. The storyline, is pretty mature but it has that kiddy ,charm to it, so it will only attract a certain amount of adults. I can guarantee you, if you cry a lot, you will cry your head off during this movie. 

Overall, Extremely Loud Incredibly Close is a great movie. Its like one of those math tests, prefect, but there are small mistakes that didn't necessarily need to be in the movie, and that if they weren't there, would make an amazing movie. B+ 

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