Saturday, 24 March 2012

The Hunger Games Review

I have to say, I have loved The Hunger Games from the beginning. I started reading the novel in grade 6. My mom bought it for me, she told me that the idea was kinda sick and if I got scared to return it. I have to say, The Hunger Games is more than just fighting to death. Its so much more than that and thats what makes it so good.

For those die-hard fans, you guys will like this because it does not stray from the book. The only thing is that Madge didn't exist and Rues lullaby wasn't really there ether. Otherwise our favourite parts of the books still exist in a movie.There are still several chunks of the movie missing, but the director and writer of the movie made it go along very smoothly so it won't be noticed as much.

The acting in this movie was one of the main highlights. Jennifer Lawerence wasn't playing Katniss Everdeen, she was Katniss Everdeen. Her performance was completely outstanding and I was blown away. The same goes for Peeta, Gale, Foxface, Clove, Cato, Rue, Prim, Effie, Haymitch and everyone else!

One thing I didn't like was that the camera style was very shaky. I know the director, Gary Ross made this because he wanted the movie to seem like it was right from the perspective of Katniss. I didn't like this because it was very dizzying and the entire movie was not from Katnisses point of view because of the added scenes. 

Overall, this movie agrees with fans. It does not take any main concepts from the book. The cast made the film real and there is nothing terribly bad to point out. The Hunger Games wins. A-

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