Thursday, 29 December 2011

The Darkest Hour Review

I didn't expect much from the darkest hour, I expected it to be one of those run around thrillers like Shark Night where everyone dies, and it went along with my expectations.

The Darkest Hour is about when aliens attack Moscow, Russia. When 4 Americans visiting stumble on each other, they quickly race into survival, doing whatever it takes to get back to America.

I have to admit, The Darkest Hour was nothing special, i am done watching it and i probably won't watch it again. The story isn't that original, it reminded me a lot of The Happenning.

Another thing I have to critique is the characters. These characters had no depth, and no personalities to them. It was just like they were just there. They didn't even react to the situation how we would react.

A good thing about this movie is that it is action packed. There was never one dull moment in the movie and I wasn't board at all. It was a thrill ride, not that great in cinema, but during the movie you had fun. Thats what I think matters. B

Thursday, 22 December 2011

New Years Eve Review

Think of New Years Eve as an info commercial. To draw your attention to the product, a lot of advertising was used. New Line Cinema added 15 major stars, a big name director and a commercial on every T.V show and wham! New Years Eve became a hit.

New Years Eve is sort of like a sequel to the movie "Valentines Day", but with different stars and a different plot. New Years Eve takes place in the busy new york on one of the busiest days of the year. It covers different peoples stories of how they found love on the big night. 

I dont understand why I decided to see New Years Eve, maybe out of curiosity of how bad it was going to be, how a movie could be even worse than Valentines Day ( Which I walked out of). But I came out of the theatre pleasantly surprised.

New Years Eve isn't the best Holiday movie, but it beat Valentines day by far. New Years Eve is like a 2 hour T.V show. It is always jumping around to different parts of the big city to cover peoples stories of how they are handling New Years Eve. The jumping around is actually quite annoying but useful, it helps you stay in focus with the movie,but it is just so annoying!

The filmmaking and writing was pretty sloppy and strange. First of.... It was really trying to sell New York City in a way. Part of it seemed like a walking advertisement for the big apple. Also, the characters lack feeling, I was never able to sympathize with some of the characters, but the actors did the best they could and their acting wasn't as bad as some people have said. After all it is a comedy!

New Years Eve overall is a movie that a lot of people would rather not see. But if you are going out with your girlfriends, you might enjoy it. If offers plenty of small, cheesy giggles and it will help you warm up to the holiday cheer. But it is still annoying. B-

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Rant on Bullying

Why did you just say that? Why did you just do that? I don't understand. Why does it make you happy to put someone down? One small thing you said could've meant the world to someone. So..... Why did you do that?

Out 0f 35 countries why is Canada 9th on the list? Why?. 15-22% of children report being bullied. What is 15% of 5.6 million? A lot.

One in 10 adults report their children being cyberbullied. You know how many that is?

The worst of it. If a person who witnesses the bullying intervenes, The bullying can be stopped in 10 seconds.

10 seconds. Thats all it takes. 10 seconds. Then why aren't the rates of bullying going down?  You can save a life.


( I am going to make a video soon on this)

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

You know its the holidays when...

You walk into your moms room and your mom hides a bag and yells at you to go away.

Finding a parking spot at a mall is the best feeling ever.

All you hear on the radio are christmas songs

When store lineups seem to last an eternity

When you suddenly develop a craving for hot chocolate everyday

And when you find yourself counting down the days until break.
Like me.

Just want to wish you guys an early happy holidays and break the news that I now have 190 followers on twitter!!! So HAPPY EARLY HOLIDAYS!!!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A little taste of my week

You know what? This week has been super packed let me explain what has been happening:

Tuesday: Health Project Due
Wednesday: Concert Rehearsals + English project due
Thursday: More concerts
Friday: History + Science due

First things first, I did not mean to procrastinate. Well I didn't procrastinate... My assignments were on time. I just don't enjoy Presenting them to the class. Despite my French accent that sounds english ( I have got over 3 people telling me that), its more of a nerve factor considering I'm presenting history. I actually called John A Macdonald fat by accident in french (No wonder the teacher was laughing).

See this is how my procrastination works, I think and I multitask. I always get it done , to the best quality but it takes longer because of the multitasking. See, photography, blogging, twittering, moviemaking and Facebooking seem to interest me more than the current project. But my mom happens to see me not doing the task at hand and this makes her think that I am procrastinating. Which I'm not.

Anyway, the dear winter concert. I am in band. We do lots of rehearsals. But dear Kassy, you want to be involved way to much and think that being in Free The Children, Book Club, Eco club (3 times a week), Library monitors, Band, Being a eco rep, Stage Crew (setting up for band) is not enough. You just have to join the soloists in the concert and play along with the choir on your beautiful clarinet ( Which sounds flat btw).

On top of that, I have to read 5 books for forest of reading. I have already finished Dear Geroge Cloony, please marry my mom and am currently working on DUST CITY.

So Kassy, you have to get back to what you do best, "procrastinate" because when the time comes you are going to hand in your beautiful lab report with the shiny cover and say to yourself: ' Aren't I glad I handed this in?'.

Woah Kassy! That made NO SENSE!!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Christmas Playlist

Just wanted to share my imix playlist with you! Its going to be up soon on iTunes, so then you can check it out! Check me out on ping!

Sunday, 4 December 2011


I just saw this video via Love is Louder and I wish him hope. People shouldn't be bullied and I don't understand why people are. It affects everyones lives. Do we really want to affect someones life and make them cry like this? Cut? . To this boy in the video: Stay Strong. You have a life ahead of you. These bullies will be begging on their knees for forgiveness. Stand Tall

All humans should be treated the same, why should someone be picked on? I don't understand but this kind of bullying disgusts me. It should end.